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Category: About

  • What Is Happening in Our Country?

    What Is Happening in Our Country?

    Our nation is going through a period of conflict and unhappiness, resulting largely from economic globalization, growing wealth inequality, and increased exposure to more of our fellow citizens through the internet. The rest of the world is catching up to us economically, partly through globalization of business and trade which has led to greater specialization…

  • My Priorities

    My Priorities

    Here’s what I think are the most urgent needs of our country. We are so divided along economic and class lines that the value of the individual citizen has been degraded.  We are all equal as citizens, and we are all of equal value to the nation.  The primacy of citizen voices for politics has…

  • Why Am I Running for President?

    Why Am I Running for President?

    I am moved to offer myself as a candidate for President partly to bring back into public focus the value and purpose of democracy and its principles (equality and compromise) and to use this focus to induce everyone to work together more rather than spend so much energy and vitriol in conflicts over power.  We…

  • Who Am I?

    Who Am I?

    I was born during World War Two, to parents who were traveling to various locations around the U.S. to build airfields for the government.  I had a serious burn accident as a toddler but survived to enjoy some early years with our milk-goats on a lake near Kansas City.  We moved to the small town…

  • The Kind of Society That My Platform Would Produce

    The Kind of Society That My Platform Would Produce

    Every principle and goal will have outcomes if implemented, including what kind of society it will produce.  If our citizens are more intelligent, it will make our society more intelligent overall, and if our citizens are more compassionate, our overall society will have less internal conflict.  You should know what my set of values and…

  • Does My Candidacy Have a Chance?

    Does My Candidacy Have a Chance?

    It might appear at first that my candidacy, based on this platform and my actual characteristics (thoughtful, quiet, calm, reasonable, friendly, articulate, trustworthy, honest, looking for the best in people) could not possibly succeed.  There’s no flash, no anger or fear-mongering, no celebrity to offer.  Also, on the money front, I have no personal resources…

  • Platform (1 page)

    Platform (1 page)

    A COMPASSIONATE PRESIDENCY AN ALTERNATIVE TO BUSINESS AS USUAL IN THE PRESIDENCY Christopher Ebbe (4-23,6-23) Are you tired and discouraged at what you have been getting in our Presidents?  Does the seemingly eternal conflict between two aggressive and unforgiving political parties that currently rule our country disappoint, disgust, and/or even frighten you?  There is an…

  • Platform (3 pages)

    Platform (3 pages)

    A COMPASSIONATE, MODERATE PRESIDENCY AN ALTERNATIVE TO BUSINESS AS USUAL IN THE PRESIDENCY Christopher Ebbe (7-23) Are you tired and discouraged at what you have been getting in our Presidents?  Does the seemingly eternal conflict between two aggressive and unforgiving political parties that currently rule our country disappoint, disgust, and/or even frighten you?  There is…

  • The Platform

    The Platform

    CAMPAIGN PLATFORM SUMMARY Christopher Ebbe, Ph.D.  9-23 I am offering myself as a candidate for President for the 2024 election because I am very concerned about the disunity in our society, which is leading to much suffering and angst among our citizens.  There are a number of factors causing this, most importantly the influence of…