Social Security

The Social Security program has served a useful purpose in providing both disability assistance (SSDI) and retirement income to Americans.  Not enough is coming into the program through current payroll deductions to ensure a healthy fund, and this must be corrected soon.  I will press Congress to amend the fund’s legislation immediately to keep income sufficient to pay expected responsibilities in the future. 

In addition, since the fund was designed to provide bare bones amounts for both disability and retirement, I will work toward adding a companion program to enhance the retirement income payouts.  This will be managed through the current Social Security Administration, using payroll deductions, and it will be optional for contributors who can also set the amount of their contributions to this new program.  This will provide a more adequate retirement income for people through long-term savings, which seems difficult for many citizens to do using their own motivation (since we encourage them to spend as consumers rather than save).






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