
Since the end of the Cold War, the U.S. has been pretty much ignoring Russia and gone ahead with its own push to democratize (Vietnam, Iraq) the world, but it not wise to ignore or downplay the largest country (in territory) in the world.  We have also, in the Ukraine war, simply vilified Mr. Putin instead of acknowledging Russia’s legitimate concerns over the growing presence of NATO right on Russia’s border.  The U.S. would not allow such things on its border (viz., the Cuba missile crisis and the Monroe Doctrine), but we are unwilling to understand another country having the same concerns.

I view Russia as a country with a long-standing inferiority complex, that has striven mightily for centuries to be accepted as an equal among the Western countries.  They have a ways to go in terms of developing an educated and active citizenry that will stand up to wayward leaders, but there has been progress in this regard.  The best thing we can do in regard to Russia is to invite them to join NATO.  This sounds absurd initially, but think about it!  Russia may wish to make itself some excuses to enjoy some of its former empire-glory, and we cannot allow them to exterminate Ukraine, but I do not believe that it has designs on exterminating the U.S. (as it did up to the 1980s or so), so why not make them “one of the boys” and exert our control in that way rather than automatically assuming a war stance?  I am assuming that the U.S. has no real interest in exterminating Russia, so why are we so reluctant to believe that the same could be true of a former foe?  I will extend some understanding to Russia and begin changing the long-held view of never-ending hostilities with Russia, including treaties and alliances for Russia with NATO!






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